Managing Up: How to Strengthen Your Relationship with Your Boss

Managing Up: How to Strengthen Your Relationship with Your Boss

Why Managing Up Matters for Your Career

Managing up is a powerful skill that can give your career a major boost. It’s not just about impressing your boss. It’s about creating a productive relationship that helps you both succeed. Whether you’re struggling to connect with your manager or just want to advance faster, managing up can be a game-changer.

What Is Managing Up?

Managing up means working in a way that supports your boss’s goals while improving your work environment. It’s about:

  • Aligning your work with what matters to your manager
  • Clear communication to avoid misunderstandings
  • Building trust so you can take on bigger projects
  • Positioning yourself as a proactive problem-solver

Let’s explore how managing up can positively impact your career.

Key Strategies to Manage Up Effectively

Here’s how you can manage up like a pro:

1. Understand Your Boss’s Priorities

To succeed at managing up, the first step is to learn what your boss values most. Ask questions like:

  • What are their most pressing goals?
  • Are they more focused on deadlines, budgets, or quality?

For example, if cost-cutting is their priority, aim to make your work more efficient. Understanding what matters most to your boss ensures you’re working on the right things.

2. Be Proactive, Not Reactive

Don’t wait for instructions—anticipate what your boss needs before they ask. If you know there’s a deadline approaching, start working on tasks early.

Also, bring solutions instead of problems. If something goes wrong, present options for fixing it. This positions you as a valuable team member and reduces the burden on your boss.

3. Adapt to Their Communication Style

Every boss has a different way of communicating. Some prefer quick email updates, while others enjoy in-person meetings. The key to managing up is to adapt your communication style to match theirs.

For instance, if your boss likes quick updates, don’t overwhelm them with lengthy reports. If they appreciate face-to-face time, make sure to schedule regular check-ins.

4. Ask for Feedback

Seeking feedback not only shows that you’re committed to improvement, but it also helps you align your work with your boss’s expectations. After completing a task, ask:

  • “How could I improve this?”
  • “Is there anything I could do differently?”

This simple step builds trust and opens the door to continuous learning.

5. Be Transparent About Your Needs

Managing up isn’t just about pleasing your boss; it’s also about being honest about your own needs. If you’re overwhelmed with projects, speak up!

You can say something like, “I want to ensure I’m focusing on the most important tasks. Can we review my priorities?”

This shows your boss that you’re strategic, and it also helps manage their expectations.

Overcoming Common Challenges When Managing Up

Managing up can be tricky, especially if you don’t have the best relationship with your boss. Here’s how to overcome some common hurdles:

1. Unclear Expectations

If you’re unsure about what your boss expects, don’t hesitate to ask for clarification. A simple meeting to review project goals can clear things up and ensure you’re on the same page.

2. Micromanaging Boss

If your boss tends to micromanage, try to build trust by delivering consistent results. Provide regular updates, so they feel in control, but gradually show that you can handle tasks on your own.

3. Conflicting Priorities

Sometimes your goals might not match your boss’s. In this case, have an open conversation to align your efforts. Ask, “Can we discuss where I should focus to deliver the most value?”

Why Managing Up Is a Career Game-Changer

Managing up is more than just a strategy—it’s a way to enhance your career. By understanding your boss’s needs, communicating effectively, and being proactive, you create a partnership that benefits both you and your manager.

Start small by implementing one or two strategies, and soon you’ll notice a stronger, more productive relationship with your boss. Managing up isn’t just about keeping your boss happy; it’s about building a career path that leads to growth, success, and workplace satisfaction.

Take charge of your career by mastering the art of managing up today!

3 Simple Ways To Manage Stress In The Workplace As A Manager or Team Leader

3 Simple Ways To Manage Stress In The Workplace As A Manager or Team Leader

How To Manage Stress In The Workplace

Have you ever felt overwhelmed and stressed out as a team leader? You’re not alone. Many leaders face this challenge. Managing stress effectively is crucial for your well-being and your team’s success. Stress can negatively impact decision-making, productivity, and overall job satisfaction.

Dr. Robert Sapolsky, a renowned neuroscientist and professor at Stanford University, has extensively studied the effects of stress on the human body and mind. In his book, Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers, Sapolsky explains how chronic stress can lead to various health problems, including hypertension, weakened immune response, and mental health issues.

Here are three powerful tips to help you manage stress in the workplace and lead effectively.

1. Master the Art of Delegation

Delegation is a fundamental skill for any team leader. It involves assigning tasks to team members, allowing you to focus on more critical responsibilities. Many leaders struggle with delegation because they feel the need to control every aspect of a project. However, mastering delegation can significantly reduce stress and improve team efficiency.

Trust Your Team

The first step in effective delegation is trust. Believe in your team members’ abilities and know they are capable of handling tasks. Trust is built over time through consistent communication and recognizing each team member’s strengths and skills.

Delegate Tasks

Free up your mental space by delegating tasks. Identify tasks that can be handled by others, such as routine tasks or assignments that align with a team member’s strengths. By delegating, you not only reduce your workload but also empower your team to take on more responsibilities, fostering their growth and development.

Accept Differences

Accept that no one will do things exactly the way you do. Each team member has a unique approach and perspective. This diversity can be an asset, bringing in new ideas and solutions. Embrace these differences and focus on the outcome rather than the process.

2. Prioritize Self-Care

As a leader, your well-being is crucial. If you’re not taking care of yourself, you won’t be able to lead effectively. Prioritizing self-care helps you manage stress, maintain a positive outlook, and be more resilient in the face of challenges.

Exercise Daily

Physical activity is a proven stress reliever. Exercise releases endorphins, which are natural mood lifters. Aim to incorporate at least 30 minutes of physical activity into your daily routine. Whether it’s a morning jog, a yoga session, or a walk during lunch breaks, regular exercise can significantly reduce stress levels.

Set Boundaries

Creating a healthy work-life balance is vital. Set clear boundaries between work and personal time. Avoid checking emails or taking work calls during off hours. This separation helps you recharge and prevents burnout.

Avoid Negativity

Surround yourself with positive influences. Distance yourself from negative people and environments that drain your energy. Instead, seek out supportive colleagues and mentors who uplift and inspire you.

Start Your Day Right

Begin each day with a positive routine. This could include meditation, prayer, or a few minutes of quiet reflection. Starting your day with a calm mind sets a positive tone for the rest of the day.

Take Breaks

Short breaks throughout the workday are crucial for maintaining focus and productivity. Step away from your desk, take a walk, or engage in a quick mindfulness exercise. These breaks help reset and refocus your mind.

Get Quality Sleep

Sleep is essential for overall health and well-being. Aim for 7-8 hours of quality sleep each night. Good sleep improves mood, cognitive function, and stress resilience. Create a relaxing bedtime routine to ensure you get the rest you need.

3. Train Your Team to Be Decision Makers

Empowering your team to make decisions is a key strategy for reducing stress. When team members can make informed decisions, it alleviates the pressure on you and fosters a culture of trust and independence.

Encourage Independence

Encourage team members to think independently and make choices within their scope of responsibility. This not only reduces your workload but also helps them develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

Ask for Their Input

Always ask, “What do you think is the decision here?” This question encourages team members to take ownership of their tasks and consider solutions before seeking your guidance. It promotes a collaborative environment where everyone contributes to the decision-making process.

Foster Confidence

You’ll be surprised at how quickly team members come up with answers when given the opportunity. Their confidence will grow as they realize their ideas are valued. Celebrate their successes and provide constructive feedback to help them improve.

Promote Problem-Solving

If a team member says they don’t know the answer, ask, “If you did know, what would it be?” This approach encourages them to think critically and trust their instincts. It also helps them develop problem-solving skills essential for leadership roles. Eventually, they will become self-aware that running to you is not an option.


Managing stress in the workplace as a team leader is an ongoing process. By mastering delegation, prioritizing self-care, and empowering your team to make decisions, you can create a more balanced and productive work environment.

These strategies not only help you manage stress but also enhance your leadership skills and improve team performance. How to manage stress in the workplace is a common question managers or team leaders are asking every day. I can understand.

After all, today’s workplace is not what it used to be. Most of us don’t even recognize the workplace we signed up for ten or twenty years ago. In past, they used to ask us to do more with less. Today, it’s beyond that. They want you to be a super human.

I hope the tips I shared with you will, at least, help you manage stress effectively.

What’s one stress management technique that made a difference in your leadership journey? Share your experiences and let’s support each other in creating a healthier, more effective workplace.

How To Get A Promotion In The Workplace: A Strange Secret To Help Your Career Soar Rapidly

How To Get A Promotion In The Workplace: A Strange Secret To Help Your Career Soar Rapidly

So you want to know how to get a promotion in the workplace, right? First, let me ask you a couple of questions.

Do you sometimes feel stuck in a dead-end position? You are not alone. It’s tough to see coworkers who are less qualified than you getting promoted ahead of you in your company, especially when you are the one training those coworkers.

As I travel all over North America to deliver keynote speeches, I meet many people who tell me how they feel stuck in dead-end positions. They feel miserable and frustrated, just going through the motions with an “I don’t care” attitude.

They show up to do just enough not to get fired, but they are not really present. Eventually, they get fired and then blame the company or boss for their misfortune. Some might call it unfair treatment.

But here’s the actual truth:

You Are 100% Responsible for Your Promotion

Your boss or your company will not give you a promotion or a raise just because you want one. You must prove that you are worthy of a promotion. You must do the things that trigger or merit promotions.

Let me share a strange secret with you. I believe it can literally force your boss to give you the promotion you deserve.

In fact, the moment you understand what you will learn here, you’ll be able to double or even triple your income in a short period. But first, you must accept responsibility for your career advancement.

Employees Don’t Get Fired. They Fire Themselves.

Getting fired is not an overnight event. It takes a lot. Here are a few reasons people get fired:

  • Displaying a negative attitude towards colleagues or bosses.
  • Refusing to collaborate with colleagues or undermining team efforts.
  • Habitually showing up late or leaving early without proper authorization.
  • Consistently failing to meet job expectations and performance standards.
  • Engaging in office gossip or spreading rumors that harm workplace morale.
  • Challenging or disrespecting supervisors and managers in an unprofessional manner.
  • Frequently missing work without valid reasons or having excessive unplanned absences.
  • Inability or unwillingness to adapt to new technologies, processes, or workplace changes.
  • Engaging in inappropriate behavior, such as harassment, discrimination, or workplace violence.
  • Poor communication with team members and management, leading to misunderstandings and conflicts.

It’s usually a series of events that get people fired. Everything I’m about to share with you won’t work unless you accept responsibility. Blaming others is not a solution. Know that you are in control of your future with your company.

Promotions and Raises Don’t Live Inside a Comfort Zone!

It’s impossible to get what you want while staying inside your comfort zone. You must step out. Why? Because the secret I promised to share with you won’t work in a comfort zone.

If it did, it wouldn’t be a secret worth sharing. Most people are already comfortable inside their comfort zones.

I cannot help you discover what’s possible for you in the workplace unless you dare to be uncomfortable. With your permission, I will help you climb the ladder of success in the workplace.

This principle is not something I cooked up overnight. It comes from personal experience. I have applied it repeatedly to get what I want in life. If you use and apply it, you too will get whatever you want.

How to Get A Promotion: The Strange Secret That Guarantees Promotions

“Always go beyond expectations.” It’s not that strange after all. I call it strange because few people truly leverage it to reach the C-suite in their career. This is not just for your career. It’s for your life.

I met Mr. Arnovitz, a wealthy man with terminal cancer, when I was 26. His pain made him irritable and unable to get along with his caretakers, leading the agency to replace them weekly. After a crash course from Marcia, who provided his caretakers, I began caring for Mr. Arnovitz. Despite Marcia’s warnings about the tough job, I assured her I could handle it.

Mr. Arnovitz and I bonded deeply. He praised me to his friends and family. On weekends, I had replacements, but he preferred my company. One Sunday, he made me an enticing offer to stay seven days a week and pay me under the table. Marcia was okay with that when I told her. She wanted him to be happy for the referrals.

Eventually, Mr. Arnovitz ended up in the hospital. I continued to care for him until he passed away, holding my hand as he took his last breath.

I never asked for a raise. My dedication and attitude did it for me. The secret is simple: Always do more than expected.

Doing more than he paid me for, like taking care of his plants and cleaning, forged our bond and made the difference. That’s my strange secret. That’s how you double or triple your salary and secure promotions.

Don’t Do Just Enough Not to Get Fired

When you do more than what you are being paid for, you automatically belong to a new category—the top 2% in your field. You become a valuable player on the team and indispensable.

You may say, “Gosh, Rene, you just don’t know. I’ve been doing more than I’m being paid for, but they don’t care.” Sure. I get that. Let me ask you this: For how long have you been doing more than you are being paid for?

It took me less than one month. For you, it may be two months, six months, one year, or even two years. It’s like planting seeds. Be patient. Don’t expect a raise or promotion right away. It takes time.

  • Leave late
  • Show up early
  • Have a positive attitude
  • Collaborate with coworkers
  • Deliver beyond expectations
  • Be adaptable in times of change

Soon, they will notice you. Your name will come up in conversations during private meetings in the workplace.

Promotions or Raises Are Not Given. Earn Them.

Success is not an elevator. It is a flight of stairs. To get to the top, it’s one step at a time. A promotion is a process. Let me repeat the strange secret to you again: Always do more than what you’re being paid for. Always go beyond expectations. Exceeding expectations is a principle that never fails, regardless of the person.

If you cannot embrace that principle, promotions and raises will skip you and go to the next person who has the habit of delivering beyond expectations.

No one notices you when you are fulfilling expectations. No one notices you when you are working your eight-hour shift. That’s your job! You get noticed when you stay past your shift to help your team finish a project on time. It’s when you show up early or volunteer to work on your day off. Do the things that are unexpected and unusual.

The story I shared with you about Mr. Arnovitz is just one of many from my life’s journey. There are many others. For example, when I was quitting my last job as a hotel doorman in Atlanta, I submitted my resignation letter. My speaking and training business was taking off.

My manager refused to accept the letter and told me to make my schedule and come to work when it was convenient for me.

People often tell me I was lucky to work for such a company. I wasn’t lucky. It was because I consistently delivered way beyond expectations. They were rewarding me for my extra efforts.

I’m not saying every company would allow you to pursue your dream while working there. However, if you embrace the attitude of always doing more than you’re being paid for, the company will reward you for it.

Be Aware of the Gossipers

Once you live the habit of going beyond expectations, lazy coworkers may resent you. They will criticize you or gossip about you. That’s the way of idle coworkers. It’s okay.

You don’t want to join their ranks or seek their approval. Work is not a popularity contest. It’s the place you go to earn a living. It’s how you put food on your table and take care of your family.

There you have it. I just handed you the key to the vault where raises and promotions await. Going the extra mile in your work will boost your career and increase your earnings. That is how you get a promotion at work.

Now, it’s time for you to start over-delivering. By the way, I would love to hear your thoughts about how to get a promotion at work. Comment below.

How Managers Can Leverage Self-Awareness To Eliminate Conflicts With Team Members

How Managers Can Leverage Self-Awareness To Eliminate Conflicts With Team Members

As a manager or leader, developing self-awareness is very important for your career. It’s the surest and fastest way to rise to the top personally and professionally.

Unfortunately, it looks like it’s the least talked about in leadership development. In this post, I’m going to share seven steps to fine-tune your self-awareness.

But before we dive in, let’s explore some of the key benefits. As a leader, having a heightened level of self-awareness will…

  • Improve your emotional intelligence
  • Make you a much better communicator
  • Enhance your ability to make better decisions
  • Help you identify your personal strengths and weaknesses
  • Reduce workplace conflicts between you and your team members

When you are a highly self-aware manager, you handle workplace issues with calmness. When others panic, you will be the force that brings order to chaos.

Unfortunately, most managers struggle to develop and practice self-awareness. Their schedule is too overwhelming.

So much is calling for our attention that it’s hard to spend time to work on ourselves. Besides, most people are afraid of confronting their weaknesses. That fear alone can hold us back from reaching the top of the ladder of success.

The good news is, as a manager, there are some simple daily habits to help you boost your self-awareness. Here are…

3 Simple Steps To Boost Your Self-Awareness In The Workplace

Step 1: Set A Daily Reflection Practice

This step is important because it creates a habit of self-examination. Set aside 10-15 minutes at the end of each workday to reflect on your behaviors and interactions.

I recommend a personal self-awareness journal to keep track of your progress.

Ask yourself these 6 simple questions:

  1. How did my mood or emotions impact my interactions with team members today?
  2. Did I show empathy today during my interactions with my team members?
  3. What assumptions did I make about a person that I should reconsider?
  4. What feedback did I receive, and how did I respond to it?
  5. Did I model (or fail to model) active listening today?
  6. What did I learn today about myself as a leader?

Socrates said, “The unexamined life is not worth living.” Being self-aware can improve your relationships as a manager, parent, or friend.

Powerful leaders always reflect on their behaviors. You don’t need to have a coach to help you improve your self-awareness. You can do it yourself.

When Suzanne (a coaching client) was confronting some issues at work, I recommended she keep a self-awareness journal.

After four weeks, she noticed a sudden shift in her attitude and behaviors. Her communication style changed. She was experiencing fewer conflicts with her team members.

Step 2: Actively Seek Feedback And Take Action

This one is difficult. It takes courage to receive feedback with grace from others. Especially when the feedback is not what we desire.

Now, be very careful. Sometimes the feedback is from someone with ulterior motives. Their goal is to tear us down.

However, as a manager, you should not avoid feedback. You should encourage it. That’s how you grow.

Schedule regular one-on-one meetings with your peers to get their feedback.

Ask specific questions about your performance and leadership style. Listen without judgment and take action on the feedback you receive. Remember, the goal is improvement, not perfection.

Step 3: Practice Mindfulness Meditation

Meditation is how you learn to take control of your thoughts, emotions, and reactions. It’s your playground to master the art of self-awareness.

We are living in a world full of distractions. It’s hard to focus. According to the experts, we have the attention span of a goldfish – twenty seconds.

Meditation will help calm your mind.

Some people might call it prayer. But, there’s a difference.

When we are praying, we are talking. In meditation, we listen.

In meditation, you get to quiet the voices that are constantly chatting inside your head.

The remarkable thing is, our nature is calmness and peace. That’s our default. We just need to learn how to reach it.

It’s like the ocean. No matter how agitated the waves are, deep down at the bottom, it’s always calm and peaceful even during a hurricane.

The mind may become agitated by a stream of disturbing thoughts. But, deep within its recesses, it is calm and peaceful.

Here’s how to arrive there:

Schedule 15 minutes on your calendar every morning. (Personally, I spend one full hour meditating daily.)

Choose a location without noise or distractions.

Sit quietly and close your eyes. Breathe slowly.

Observe your thoughts. Zap or dismiss them one by one.

Warning: Those thoughts will come fast. The moment you dismiss one, another will show up. Keep dismissing them.

We know it’s impossible to avoid thoughts. Even if you say, “I’m not thinking,” that requires a thought.

The good news is, the more you practice, the easier it gets. Soon, those random thoughts will vanish the moment you are aware of them.

Most people tell me their problem with meditation is that they cannot stop thinking.

What they don’t realize is that catching themselves thinking those thoughts is power. Because few are mindful of their thoughts. That’s why we do and say stupid things we regret later.

Let’s conclude…

Commit to practicing daily until you develop a high level of self-awareness. You will experience a shift.

Instead of having a knee-jerk reaction to what a co-worker said, you will pause and reflect.

Practice these three self-awareness steps daily. Soon you will rise as an admired and respected leader in your field.

Remember, self-awareness mastery is an ongoing process. It’s a habit you form with repetition.

It’s like learning to ride a bicycle. You will wobble at first. You won’t achieve overnight results. Stay with it.

A Zero-Cost Strategy to Boost Workplace Morale and Productivity

A Zero-Cost Strategy to Boost Workplace Morale and Productivity

In today’s fast-paced work environment, fostering a culture of appreciation can significantly enhance team morale and productivity—all without spending a dime. Here’s a deep dive into why and how expressing gratitude can be a game-changer in your workplace.

The Impact of Appreciation on Workplace Dynamics

Boosts Morale

Regular recognition helps employees feel valued and integral to the team. This sense of inclusion fosters a positive work atmosphere and enhances individual self-esteem.

Enhances Productivity

When employees are acknowledged, their motivation surges. This increased drive can lead to improved productivity as they are inspired to maintain or exceed their current performance levels.

Improves Loyalty

Appreciation is a powerful tool for retention. Employees who feel appreciated are less likely to leave, reducing turnover and the associated costs of hiring and training new staff.

Effective Strategies for Zero-Budget Appreciation

Say It Out Loud

  • Be Specific: Instead of a generic “good job,” specify what exactly was done well, such as, “Your management of yesterday’s project deadline was exemplary because you ensured all team members were on track.”
  • Be Timely: Immediate recognition is more impactful. Acknowledge good work right when it happens to reinforce positive behaviors.

Make It Public

Public praise not only recognizes the individual but also sets a benchmark for success within the team.

  • Use Meetings: Celebrate achievements during team meetings to publicly affirm that hard work is valued.
  • Employee of the Month: Implement a recognition system where standout efforts are highlighted in a communal space like a notice board or a newsletter.

Personal Touches

A handwritten note or a personal email mentioning specific accomplishments can make an employee feel truly seen and valued.

Cultivating Inclusivity Through Recognition

Ensure No One Is Overlooked Especially important in hybrid or remote work environments, inclusive recognition practices help remote employees feel as connected and valued as their in-office counterparts.

  • Regular Check-Ins: Use check-ins to acknowledge recent achievements.
  • Inclusive Meetings: Make sure to highlight efforts from all members of the team, regardless of their physical location.

Personalize Your Praise Tailor your acknowledgments to reflect the specific actions and impact of an employee’s efforts.

  • Observe and Note: Keep track of individual achievements and mention these specifics when giving praise.
  • Describe the Impact: Explain how their actions contributed positively to the team or the project.

Leadership’s Role in Fostering an Appreciative Culture

  • Set the Tone: Regularly recognize and reward efforts to integrate appreciation deeply into your corporate culture.
  • Adapt to Preferences: Understand and respect how each team member prefers to receive acknowledgement, whether publicly or in private.

Extending Appreciation Beyond the Workplace

Bringing the practice of appreciation into your interactions outside of work can strengthen personal and professional relationships and enhance overall well-being.

  • Personalize Client Communications: A custom thank-you note after a project completion can make a significant impact.
  • Acknowledge Supplier Efforts: Recognize the hard work of your suppliers with a simple thank you message that highlights their contribution to your business’s success.


Implementing a consistent, thoughtful appreciation strategy in the workplace can transform team dynamics, boost morale, and increase productivity—all at no monetary cost. Start integrating these practices into your daily routine and observe a significant enhancement in team engagement and satisfaction.

The Illusion of Perfection: Just Start to Succeed – Overcome Analysis Paralysis

The Illusion of Perfection: Just Start to Succeed – Overcome Analysis Paralysis

“What would you attempt to do if you knew you could not fail?” This powerful question isn’t just a thought experiment; it’s a call to action to break free from the paralysis of analysis and take the leap towards achieving your dreams.

Breaking the Cycle of Perfectionism

I recently spoke to a coaching client who prides himself on being “the idea man.” Despite his creativity, he was stuck in the perpetual loop of getting ready to get ready. Many of us are familiar with this cycle—ready, aim, fire—but never actually pulling the trigger. This paralysis by analysis is a common trap where endless planning replaces actual action.

The Myth of Perfect Timing

Many people wait for the perfect alignment of circumstances to start acting on their dreams—enough money, enough time, or just waiting for the ducks to line up perfectly. However, life’s messy reality rarely accommodates such perfect alignments. Waiting for the perfect moment often means missing out on potential opportunities.

Just Start: Embracing Imperfect Action

The truth is, action begets action. Leaders and innovators don’t wait for perfection; they dive in and iterate along the way. This principle is embodied by tech giants like Apple and Microsoft. These companies don’t wait for a flawless product to launch; instead, they release their Minimum Viable Product (MVP) and improve it over time through customer feedback.

Lessons from Tech Innovators

Apple and Microsoft are notorious for launching products that aren’t fully polished and then releasing updates to fix bugs along the way. This approach allows them to move fast and stay ahead, even if it means going through a few rounds of corrections. This iterative process is crucial not only in technology but in any field where innovation plays a key role.

The Power of Starting Small

You don’t need to be a tech giant to apply the MVP concept. Whether you’re a budding entrepreneur or an artist, starting with a basic version of your idea can lead to unexpected avenues and opportunities for refinement and growth.

From the Wright Brothers to Modern Day Innovators

Consider the Wright brothers; their first flight in 1903 lasted just 12 seconds, but it was a monumental step that led to the development of modern aviation. If they had waited for the perfect design, they might never have taken off.

Your Call to Action

So, what are you waiting for? What could you achieve if you discarded the fears of failure and perfection? Here’s how to start:

  • Identify your MVP: What is the most basic version of your idea that you can start with?
  • Embrace feedback: Use feedback as a stepping stone for improvement, not a setback.
  • Iterate rapidly: Make small, quick improvements based on real-world experiences.
  • Keep moving: Momentum is crucial. Keep pushing forward, even if it’s in small steps.


Let go of the illusion that everything must be perfect before you begin. By accepting imperfection and understanding that every step forward is a step towards success, you’ll find that you are more capable of achieving your dreams than you ever thought possible. Remember, inaction is the only real failure. Start small, learn fast, and keep iterating, and soon, you’ll find yourself where you once only dreamed of being.

What project would you start today if you knew you couldn’t fail? Dive into the discussion below and share your first steps towards making it a reality!