7 Proven Ways To Get Your Ideal Job In Any Economy
I met a young lady who told me that she couldn’t find a job because companies are not hiring. I told her to say instead, “Companies are not hiring ME.”
The good news is, companies are always hiring. People die, retire, get sick, and change jobs. Tons of people start new jobs every day. Some have two jobs.
The young lady is simply not able to make a good case or persuade someone to hire her. Most people approach finding an ideal job casually. They have no strategy. They don’t realize looking for a job requires a relentless attitude.
7 Proven Ways To Lend An Ideal Job:
1. Turn Off The Television
The media love to remind us that the economy is bad. They will splash the high unemployment rate on your screen to intimidate you.
They’ll tell you companies are closing their doors or downsizing. Don’t wait for them to let you know when it’s time to step out and start knocking on doors. Your wait will never be over.
The thing is, if you keep flooding your mind with bad news about the economy or the job market, you will freeze. Even if you are lucky to get a job interview, your negative attitude will sabotage your chance.
I encourage you to turn your television off. Hit the road. Others are getting jobs. You can, too. They are not more special or more favored. Not having a job is depressing enough.
Why would you let the media make your situation seem worse? Here’s a little secret: A negative attitude will kill your opportunity to get hired.
Above all, companies will hire you because of your positive attitude and enthusiasm. If you are not feeling upbeat, present, and enthusiastic, don’t even bother to look for a job.
2. Avoid The Unemployment Line
Collecting unemployment checks is easy. After all, you needed a break. And you paid into the system. It’s fair to get what you deserve. Right? Well, it’s a trap. Once you start collecting those checks, you’ll find yourself in a comfort zone.
Now, if you need a couple of paychecks until you get the new job, do so. But don’t get too cozy. I know it’s a good feeling when you get to stay in bed, avoid fighting traffic and stay away from annoying people.
Who wouldn’t want that? But, resist the temptation. Nature hates a vacuum. She’ll always go where there’s none. It’s like dating. All the prospects will come out of the woodwork when you are unavailable. Am I right?
The same applies when it comes to landing your ideal job. It’s a lot easier to get one while you are employed or right after you get laid off.
That explains why the more you have, the more you continue to have. It’s not fair. But, it is what it is. Simply put, if you have to get some money to get over the hump, go for it.
In the meantime, commit and focus on shortening the gap as fast as possible. That will also do a lot of good for your self-worth and self-esteem.
3. Make Looking For A Job Your New Job
Think about it this way: You are never unemployed unless you are retired. What do I mean by that? Looking for a job is a job in and of itself. Your search begins as soon as they let you know that they are either eliminating your position or replacing you.
When someone asks you what you do for a living, say, “At present, I work for myself. I’m working on getting a job. Do you know of anyone who is hiring?”
You are now a salesperson. You are selling yourself to prospective employers. Build a strong case to persuade them you are the best candidate for the position.
That means you have to put yourself in front of lots of prospects to increase your odds. It’s not enough to send messages to people on LinkedIn.
Of course, you need to use social media. But, do so to secure face-to-face interviews. Nothing beats sitting with a smile on your face while making a good case, you are the best person for the job.
4. Do Not Hide Behind Your Resume
Companies do NOT hire resumes. They hire people. Your resume’s purpose is to qualify you for an interview. It’s to get their attention.
It won’t lend you the job. You have to do the selling in person. Your resume cannot express your enthusiasm and positive attitude.
They will ask you to submit your resume online and expect someone to call you. That’s okay to submit it. But don’t wait for someone to call you. Pick up the phone and make the call yourself.
They might tell you that everybody has to go through the same process. Let them know you’re initiating the call because you are not everybody else. You are proactive. You don’t wait for the phone ring. You ring it.
That means you do not wait for the boss to tell you what to do. You take the initiative to get things done. That’s what superstars do in the workplace.
If the person who is on the phone does not appreciate those lines, you are talking to the wrong person. Ask for the name of the person who can value your approach.
Then send a note to the right person to reiterate what I just mentioned. You have to prove that you are unique. Don’t let your resume do your job. Drop by and ask to speak quickly with the manager who is looking candidates for five minutes.
5. Take The Spotlight Off You
We already talk about what you need to do during the interview. Know that the interviewer will keep asking you questions to shine the spotlight on you.
But, be like a politician. Set the agenda. Answer with sound bites. Then reframe the conversation to talk about what you can do for their company.
Talk about their goals instead of yours. If you know customer service is important to them, talk about it. Let them how you intend to use your strengths and skills to help them wow their customers.
They will bring up your weaknesses, such as your lack of experience in such and such. Again, just like a politician, say something like this, “I agree with you.
But, here’s what I know for sure. I’m a fast learner. I have the right attitude to master anything. That’s not a problem at all.
Give me a chance, and I promise to surprise you.” By the way, never use the phrase, “If you hire me.” Say, “When you hire me,
I will do whatever it takes to make your company number one in customer service.” But, make sure you deliver on your promises. If you are not going to do so, you might as well be like anybody.
6. Network Like Mad
You cannot land your ideal job and be a hermit. Fill up your calendar with events so you can be visible. Try to attend two to three events per week. If you live in the US, attend lots of civic clubs meetings to meet new people.
The Optimist International, Kiwanis International, and Lions International all hold meetings every single day. Your business journals publish lots of business networking events. Make sure you always have your resume with you.
The people at the events may not be in a position to hire. But they can connect you with the right people who can do so. Again, be proactive. Don’t just pass on your resume.
Ask for names and contact info to follow up. Also, remember to send a thank-you note to the person who gives you the job lead. Send one whether you got the job or not. That will go a long way.
7. Be A Follow Up Machine
Typically, the average person goes to an interview and waits for the phone to ring later. Well, people are busy. Your interviewer is not losing sleep, thinking about how bad you need a job. You are the least of his or her concerns.
Don’t take it personally when you don’t get the call. Don’t let your ego stand in your way. It’s your job to keep following up. You are thinking, “I went to the interview. I did a convincing job selling myself.
There’s no need to keep pestering the people. They will call if they need me.” Really? You should celebrate when you get the call to come for your orientation.
First, second, or third interviews don’t mean much. You have to close the sale. Keep following up. Send a handwritten thank-you note on the same day after the interview.
Thank the person for the job interview opportunity. Reaffirm your commitment to join forces with them to help them achieve their goals. Do so even if you didn’t think you did well.
Next, you want to call. Say, “Hi, I’m calling to find out where you are in your decision-making. Will you need any more information from me?” Ask for permission to follow up again in a week or two.
Remind them of your commitment to helping them achieve their goals. Say something like, “I don’t want to be a pest. I’m following up because most people never do. It’s my of proving to you that I will follow up on my promises.”
Now, if someone tells you don’t be so pushy, do not take that advice. It’s because they don’t have the courage to do it. A good employer will appreciate your strategy.
Of course, every time you call, you should always say, “I know you are busy. I’m calling you for a quick call to follow up.”
In conclusion…
If you want to distinguish yourself on the job, start proving it during the interview process. Do not listen to the naysayers.
There is plenty of work available in the job market in spite of the bad news. Being good will not cut in this new economy. You have to be amazing! Show up with your A-game.
Work hard. Show up early. Stay past your regular hours now and then. That will go a long way. You will be on the radar for future promotions. That will remove you from the layoff list.
Finally, remember this: It’s your attitude that determines your altitude. It’s what determines how long you stay unemployed.