Don’t Listen to The Haters

Don’t Listen to The Haters

I came to the US broke, unable to speak English, with zero confidence in myself.

I had only $5, two shirts, and one pair of pants in the tiny suitcase you see in the picture. I was extremely shy and timid.

Because of my inability to speak the language, some people assumed I was stupid.

As a janitor at the 163rd Mall in Miami, I freaked out whenever I would see a security guard. I was afraid they might work for immigration.

One day, I saw a girl that I had gone to school with in Haiti. She looked the other way so that other people would not see her talking to a janitor.

I went to McDonald’s hoping to get a job to pick up trash in the parking lot. They turned me down because I couldn’t speak English. Go figure! I didn’t know the trashcans spoke English.

Later, I went to Total Bank in South Miami and begged them to let me wash their cars. After many rejections, one man said yes. I did a fantastic job!

Suddenly, I became the “car guy” in the parking lot. I remember looking up at the top floors in between car washes and saying to myself, “I would love to go up there as a janitor.”

I went to McDonald to get a job to pick up trash in the parking lot. I was turned down because I couldn’t speak English. Go figure! I didn’t know the trashcans spoke English.

Later, I went to Total Bank in South Miami. I begged the people to let me wash their cars. After many rejections, one man said yes. I did a fantastic job!

Suddenly, I became the car guy in the parking lot. I remember looking up at the top floors in between car washes and said to myself, “I would love to go up there as a janitor.”

Four years later I’m now in Atlanta. I managed to get at the Kmart warehouse loading boxes. One year later, I got my CNA (certified nursing assistant) license.

I worked as a companion for a Jewish man. After he died, his family help me get a job as a doorman at the Waverly Renaissance Hotel. I was there for 14 years.

As I was parking the cars, I would notice some motivational and business books in the back seats. I bought them and devoured every word on the pages.

One of them mentioned speaking for a living. I said to myself, “I want to try that speaking thing. Why not?”

I told a guy who was my supervisor that I was going to become a motivational speaker and write a book. Well, it turned out that he was a hater.

He said, “With your Haitian accent? Man, no corporation would pay to listen to you. You have no credentials.”

I told him I was not asking for his permission and approval to be a motivational speaker and author. God already approved me the day I was born.

However, his stupid remarks triggered a lot of doubts and fears in my head anyway.

Fortunately, I saw this motivational speaker on TV motivating people in this country. I said to myself, “Shoot! If Jerry Springer can motivate Americans, I can do it too.”

Fast-forward today. I am the author of three books. And one them won the Writers Digest Awards. Indeed, many Fortune 500 corporations have paid to motivate and boost the morale of their employees.

A few years ago, the Napoleon Hill Foundation booked me to speak at their annual event. Guess where that event was held?

At the McDonald’s Headquarters! Yep, the guy who couldn’t get a job to pick up trash at the parking lot of one of their stores in Miami.

Oh, by the way, the Chairwoman of Total Bank heard saw me on television talking about washing cars in the parking.

She called and invited to speak at their breakfast for the senior leaders.

Yep! The event was held on the very top floor. I’m having goosebumps as I typed these words.

I took the time to write this long post to inspire you and stir your soul. If you happen to be in a comfort zone, I want to disturb you and disrupt your complacency.

Don’t ever let the haters and losers predict your future. You don’t need their approval and permission. They are not your makers.

Instead, get rid of them. While you are at it, purge some so-called friends as well. Go on the journey alone if you have to. The thing is, you won’t be alone for too long. There are plenty of winners waiting to cheer you up. Don’t look back.

Finally, I’m not sure what’s the top floor for you. But, here’s what I am 100% sure of: With hard work, resilience, and positive expectancy, you are guaranteed to get there.

Don’t doubt yourself. It doesn’t matter how old you are. It doesn’t matter how long you have been trying. Keep pressing on! Hold on to your dream! Don’t give up! Keep climbing!

The Cure For Low Morale In The Workplace

The Cure For Low Morale In The Workplace

Your job is to inspire and fire up your team members during tough times. No excuses. No ifs. No buts.

Unless your workplace is on another planet, you should expect a wave of change will sweep up your company. They will announce some kind of downsizing, merger, or a takeover.

So, if you are not going through a change process, brace yourself. Disruption or disturbance is on the way! And it doesn’t matter how great you are doing now, things will shift soon or later.

That said, when it’s your turn, rest assured that the solution is not more training, skills, or consultants. You don’t want to trigger even more aggravation. Your employees don’t want to hear your pontificating about embracing change either.

They intuitively know how to navigate the waves of change. It’s an instinct that’s programmed in their nervous system. They know how to rise above their challenges.

They already have the creativity to solve their toughest problems. They have been through some turbulent changes throughout their lives.

What your team members need from you is more inspiration. They need uplifting. They need you to boost their morale. They need what I called an ICU. That stands for the following: Injection. Communication. Unification.

I.C.U. : Injection. Communication. Unification

3 Ways To Boost Morale In The Workplace

1. Injection: Inject Your Employees With High Doses Of Dopamine

When morale is low, employees are stressed and discouraged. They don’t have the drive to keep pressing on. Their brain secretes cortisol which is a poison that causes all kinds of diseases in the body.

As a leader, you need to turn on the dopamine switch in their brain. Dopamine is a feel-good drug that boosts morale, elevates moods, and a host of other benefits.

“Appreciation is the elevator that lifts teams up in the workplace.”

We should naturally get into the habit of praising and appreciating others. In fact, in my keynote presentation, I propose we should start an APPRECIATION MOVEMENT in every workplace. That’s a surefire way to boost morale and inspire team members.

You want to have a lot of quick morale-boosting meetings as your company is going through the change transition. Let your employees know how much you appreciate them.

Praise them for their courage, creativity, and patient through this change. Let them know how important they are to the company.

Seek Their Support

Solicit their inputs and feedback, so they can feel they are a contribution to the change process. As the saying goes,

“People support what they help create.”

They have the attitude, “I’m a part of it. I will do my absolute best to make sure we succeed.” Make sure you publicly recognize great ideas and feedback.

Every time you get a chance to praise and appreciate anyone individually, do so. Make them feel good about themselves. Give them a shot of dopamine.

Make no mistake, some of your team members are already thinking about quitting. Most people have a low tolerance for high pressure. Those tiny dopamine shots will go along way. The number one job of a leader is to uplift and inspire. You need to make others feel good about themselves.

2. Communication: Never Leave Your Staff In The Dark

Nobody wants to be left in the dark. Your employees are already afraid the worst might happen. They are scared. They worry that their position might be eliminated.

It’s horrifying to think a change process might cause your job to be eliminated; something that can disrupt your entire life.

If you are not informing and communicating with your team members on what’s going on, they will draw their own conclusion. The mind abhors a vacuum. It will fill the gap with more fear.

If you don’t know what’s going on, don’t pretend. Tell your team members you don’t know. Assure them as soon you get any information, you will communicate it.

You are essentially telling them we are in the same boat. That should make everyone feels better about the situation.

That said, the moment you know something, immediately communicate it. They will trust you more.

3. Unification: Help Them Bond With Each Other

When times are tough, you must solidify your team. Create a family atmosphere. Refer to them as the family. You have to make them feel there’s a bond. You might even refer to your customers as the community when talking to your team.

According to Abram Maslow, one of the most profound psychological needs people have is “the need to belong.” You want to make them feel like we are all in this together, and we can pull through.

A by-product of this strategy is that you are creating what is called the pain of disconnection. What that means is, team members will not quit because of the family or the community bond.

5 Ways To Inspire Teamwork In The Workplace

5 Ways To Inspire Teamwork In The Workplace

Teamwork in the workplace is definitely not what it used to be once upon a time. Today, there are lots of conversations about effective teamwork in the workplace on the Internet. Managers and supervisors are scratching their heads to find better solutions.

They are practically running out of ideas to inspire teamwork. There’s definitely a shift in attitude. And it doesn’t seem like the problem will ever go away soon. It’s a harsh reality that most companies have to face today.

84% of employees plan to look for a new job next year, according to a CNN Money article published two years ago. Why is that?

Well, the main reason is, there are too many disruptive changes happening too fast. Employees are more cynical and less engaged. There’s no doubt that morale is at an all-time low.

Basically, many employees are somewhat disappointed. They woke up one day and found a radically different kind of workplace than they signed up for.

Because of their disappointment, they are now showing up with a lack of concerns. Simply put, they just don’t care anymore. Instead of thriving in the company, they are merely surviving.

As you might imagine, when people are surviving, they are not thinking about teamwork. They are rather looking out to keep their heads above the water.

If you have a sense your employees are in survival mode, you have an emergency to deal with. And you need to find a way to remedy the situation right away.

Back in the 80s I was a new and broke immigrant in Miami, Florida. I didn’t speak any English. I was about 22 years old. Since I never had a job before, it was hard for me to find work anywhere. After months of looking, I landed a job as an assembly worker at a plant.

The name of the company was Reeves Brothers. I have no idea if they are still around. What I remember for sure is that they had an emergency to deal with. Employee morale was extremely low. Most of the guys I worked with didn’t care at all.

Reeves Brothers had a contract to make a special foam box for IBM to ship their computers. At the time, personal computers were just introduced.

On my assembly line, there were about 30 of us. My job was to spray the glue really fast on one side of the foam while the conveyor belt was moving.

Someone else would spray on the other side. Then, there were others on the line to flip the foam pieces, patch them together, inspect the boxes, and stack them for the shipping guys. It was a very busy environment.

It’s Frustrating When You’re Doing Your Part And Your Co-workers Are Slacking

I was a very dedicated employee. I came to work on time and did my job to the best of my ability. I was really happy I had a job! However, many of the guys on the line were slackers. They didn’t have the drive to work. They were surviving. They showed up just for the money.

I remember how the line was often backed up. Pieces of foam would be pushing and rolling on top of each other. The guys were so slow and disengaged. A few of them would give me the mean look as if I were making their job harder than it should be.

We were required to output so many boxes every thirty minutes. However, we were always behind. And everyone, including me, were blamed for not meeting expectations.

My manager was exhausted and frustrated. He could figure out how to motivate the team and boost morale. And, his job was on the line. I did try everything within my power to help. But he needed the entire team to step up to the plate.

If you are a manager or supervisor reading this, you know the importance of teamwork. Maybe your situation is not the same as my former manage. However, I suspect you have some challenges to deal with as it relates to teamwork in the workplace. So, let me reveal to you…

5 Proven Strategies To Inspire Effective Teamwork In The Workplace

Strategy #1: Authentically Show Them You Care

Now, notice I didn’t say tell them you care. I purposely ask you to show them you care. There are many managers that say they care. Yet, their behavior is completely different.

When your team members feel that you sincerely care about them, they reciprocate. They start doing things to make you look good. As a manager or leader, you should consider yourself a teamwork motivational speaker. You have to consistenly motivate and inspire your team with powerful words that can boost them.

In fact, you can boost employee motivation for your team by the very fact you genuinely show them you care. Here are a few ideas for you:

Those that understand the pains, fears and frustrations of others rule the world!

Find out what their pains, fears, frustrations, and ambitions are. I bet you right now there are employees on your team that have been with the company for a longtime and no one has ever asked them about their ambitions for the future.

Not long ago, I had a conversation with a woman who worked for IBM. She told me her manager would never care to learn about her ambition.

She went on to explain to me that the same manager was jealous and didn’t want anyone to move up. Simply put, her manager was a roadblock.

Let me tell you, when employees have a sense that you care enough to be their advocate, they will move mountains for you.

Another way to show your team members you care is to simply do tiny random acts of kindness for them. Do something that makes them feel good.

As Maya Angelou said, “People may not remember exactly what you did, or what you said, but they will remember how you made them feel.”

Strategy #2: Tell Them Your Expectations

As a manager or supervisor, your job is to let your team members know what your expectations are. Have you ever been disappointed before? Would you like to know why? It’s because disappointments are the result of someone not meeting your expectations.

Be very explicit about what you expect. Never assume you are working with mind readers. I once worked for a supervisor who had a terrible habit of communicating what he wanted. Sometimes he would say, “You know exactly what I mean. Don’t you?”

Look, if you feel frustrated that you are not getting what you expect, it’s because you’re failing to communicate clearly your expectations. I want to challenge you on this. I want you to question yourself. Answer this for yourself, “Am I clearly communicating what I expect from my team”?

What I’m essentially saying here is not to let your team in the dark. The more they know and understand what is expected of them, the more likely they will deliver.

Think of it this way: When you’re frustrated and disappointed, you radiate a certain kind of negative attitude. And that sends a negative signal to your team members. As a result, the morale of your team can be affected. What’s the solution?

Politely tell them with a caring attitude what your expectations are. By the way, you should also find out what they expect from you as well. You probably have people on your team that are moaning and complaining about you. Yet, you have no idea why they feel the way they feel.

Strategy #3: Get Into The Cockpit

Your team members MUST know how they are doing while they are working hard to reach a milestone or meet a goal. Tell the team collectively and individually how they are doing. Be their pilot in the cockpit of the workplace.

I think of feedback like the airplane pilot. I travel a lot to keynote conferences all over the United States. Sometimes I go overseas. Those trips can be really long. Do you want to know what I really appreciate about my pilot?

I absolutely love it when they talk to the passengers over the intercom. Don’t you also love it when the pilot tells you what’s going on? I bet you do!

“Good afternoon Delta passengers. This is captain George. I want to assure you that you are in good hands. Together, my co-pilot Andy and I have 30 years of flying experience.

We will do everything possible to make your flight smooth and enjoyable. In case we encounter any unforeseen bumps during the flight, I will get on the intercom explain to you what’s going on.”

Yes! Doesn’t that really make you feel great? When I hear something like that, I ask for a pillow, so I can take a nap. I know I’m in good hands.

On the other hand, there are pilots that never say anything. The airplane is bouncing up and down like a basket ball. Not a word. Nothing. That’s terrifying! Right? Then you get to your destination and the pilot says, “Did you enjoy your flight?”.

You see, to your team members, you are the pilot. You need to constantly keep them in the loop. When you get into a rough patch, tell them what’s going on. When things are good, praise them for a job well done.

The big question for you is this: Are you giving your team enough feedback? If you answer yes, how often do you do so? Think about it.

Strategy #4: Give Them A Little Biscuit

I remember watching a dog trainer training a puppy. He had a bunch of biscuits with him. Every time the dog did the trick, he would give it a treat. He told me that the puppy will keep repeating the good behaviors because it knows the rewards are coming.

Now, I know you are not training dogs. You are working with human beings that are being paid to do their job. But, did you know that money is not the number one motivator for employees in the workplace?

In the last few years, here at Workplace Satisfaction, we conducted a poll to find out what it takes to keep employees happy in the workplace.

The overwhelming majority of the people we polled told us the number one motivator for them in the workplace is appreciation.

In other words, they want to know you appreciate their efforts. I can understand. In fact, the entire human race thrives on attention and appreciation. It’s a fundamental human need. Simply put, when people are underappreciated, they tend to shrink instead of glowing.

Appreciation is the best employee motivation idea!

It’s when you let your team members know that you truly appreciate and value their contribution to the team and the company.

When I say reward good behavior, I don’t mean to give them an award or plaque. Although it would be a great idea. What I mean is, give them something as simple as a sincere compliment or a handwritten thank-you card for a job well done.

As a matter of fact, you can boost productivity and team performance simply by rewarding good behaviors. Get into the habit of celebrating your team.

Hey, if they huddle and stay late to get the job done, and you have a miscellaneous budget, order them some pizza. Show your appreciation.

Strategy #5: Enroll Them As Your Create-creators

This is, in my opinion, one of THE most powerful leverage you can use to influence your team members. People value and feel proud of what they create or help create. The takeaway here is never leave your team members out of the decision-making process.

The fact is…

People support what they help create.

When someone participates in creating something, they will follow through every time.

“You can rise to become a powerful and amazing leader in your company if you truly understand this co-creation concept.”

Instead of dictating what you want, simply invite your team members to take part and help you create it. Empower them by giving them the opportunity to contribute.

Then, make sure you give them proper credit. I know that’s hard to do. But, take my word for it. In the end, the credit will come back to you.

Putting people in the right positions, so they can shine and receive proper credit, can do a lot of good to you as a manager or supervisor.

I cannot tell you how many times I have seen top executives in big companies brainstorming on how to change things. Yet, they ignore the people at the bottom as if they don’t matter. That’s a huge mistake.

For whatever reason, they assume they are the ones with the answers. They create something at the top, and shove it down the throat of the people at the bottom.

Look, if you want to be known as a powerful leader, always enroll your team to co-create with you.

Effective Teamwork In The Workplace Is Not An Accident

I shared a few ideas with you here about teamwork in the workplace. By all means, I have not shared with you everything about the subject. However, I just handed you some of the best ways to inspire teamwork and boost morale.

Starting now, I encourage you to start putting in application what you just learned. Maybe you already knew intellectually what I shared with you. Now, I challenge you to become a doer of what you know.

The reality is, success is not about doing a bunch of things now and then for your team members. It’s about doing a few things consistently.

Finally, consider bringing a teamwork motivational speaker to fire up your team. A teamwork motivational speaker won’t truly change everything for you. But, it will make a big impact if you hire the right one.

I look forward to reading your comment. Tell me what’s the one thing you think is missing from this post.

4 Amazing Ways To Stop Feeling Discouraged And Depressed

4 Amazing Ways To Stop Feeling Discouraged And Depressed

Feeling discouraged or depressed is a fact of life. Whether you are rich or poor, you will experience hardships.

That explains why a famous person with millions of fans and a truckload of money would commit suicide.

You see, hopelessness can sap your energy. It can make you feel like life isn’t worth living. It can kill your motivation to the point you don’t want to do anything.

Maybe you are going through some difficult change in the workplace or your personal life. Maybe someone disappointed you. And you want to give up on yourself.

Perhaps you did everything to make things better. You poured your heart out. But the situation continues to get worse.

Look, I don’t know the source of your downheartedness. But, what I know for sure is that if you hang in there, the tide will turn in your favor. I promise that things will eventually get better.

I have no doubt that you went through some difficult changes in your life. You didn’t think you were going to get through it. Right? But, guess what? You did.

5  Ways You Can Stop Feeling Discouraged

1. Model The Caterpillar’s Way Of Dealing With Discouragement

Don’t rush the process. There’s no success without a process.

Whether you are dealing with a relationship, workplace, or business problem, you should understand you are in a process. A little patience goes a long way. You should hang in there!

The process is your teacher. It’s revealing to you what you are made of. It’s your test. As the saying goes, there’s no testimony without a test.

You need to embrace the process and be a patient student.

Have you ever seen a caterpillar cocooning? Can you guess what would happen if slice the silky pouch to help the caterpillar become a butterfly faster?

The answer is simple. You will kill it.

The caterpillar knows to keep pressing on and stay in the process. It knows if it gives up, it is doomed.

Sometimes, you don’t see the results fast enough because you are not ready. You don’t get what you want because it’s not the right thing or time for you.

As the saying goes, “Patience is a virtue.” I believe a lack of patience is a lack of gratitude as well.

The key is to focus on your progress versus your lacks. As long as you are making some type of progress, you should not feel discouraged.

When I first came to the United States, I was a broke immigrant. Nobody wanted to give me a job because I didn’t speak any English.

My disappointment level was at an all-time high. Imagine if I had given up and decided to go back to Haiti. What would life be like today for me?

Maybe you are having financial or relationship difficulties. Maybe you are getting impatient because you are not seeing the results fast enough. You probably feel stuck.

I just want you to understand no condition is permanent. Things will change. One day you will look back and feel very happy you are hanging in there.

But, you must not quit. As you might already know, quitters don’t win. Be patient. Have a reverence for the process.

2. Take Ownership Of The Situation

The moment you feel like the situation is totally out of your control, you have no power to change it.

The moment you feel like the situation is totally out of your control, you have no power to change it.

Whatever you cannot control in your life, controls you. It’s either you take ownership or let it ruin your life.

If you are saying to yourself, “Rene, you are right. I feel like I have no control over this situation I’m dealing with. What do you suggest?”

Well, you can simply choose to change the way you are reacting or responding.

If you have no control over the situation, don’t focus your energy on it.

The reality is, there’s always something you can do to make things better. Quit saying, “Why is this happening to me?” Instead, ask yourself, “What can I do to change this situation?”

The kind of questions you are consistently asking yourself will determine how you feel about the challenge. Don’t ask, “Why am I struggling so much?” Change the question to, “How can I change my situation?”

Disempowering questions will easily sink you deeper into depression and discouragement. They can cause you to think worse will happen.

Ask yourself questions that give you power over the situation when you are feeling discouraged. You are in control, and you are not a victim.

I’m not saying it’s your fault. I’m just trying to get you to see you cannot change how people behave or the external circumstances. It’s a waste of time and energy.

Choose to change what’s within your control. By that, I mean how you feel or what you are saying to yourself.

If there’s something you can do that’s within your control, do it instead of losing sleep over what’s outside your control.

3. Don’t Be Too Attached to The Outcome

There’s no guarantee that things will turn out according to your expectations. Be prepared to accept any outcome instead of feeling discouraged.

Most people are devastated when they have the outcome they had in mind. They think all their expectations should be met.

I’m not saying you shouldn’t expect the best. I’m saying to accept what you end up with and move on. It makes no sense to continue feeling discouraged long after the event.

Put it behind you. Set some new expectations and be ready to embrace whatever happens.

One of my coaching clients started creating videos for YouTube. Once he realized he wasn’t getting enough views, he gave up. Let me tell you why.

It’s because he doesn’t understand what it means to be passionate about his craft. When painters, singers, or performers are creating, they never worry about the crowd.

The outcome of their hard work may be a standing ovation. It may also be criticism. No matter what the end result it, they are fine with it.

Passionate people do things because of the internal satisfaction they. They understand perfection comes from imperfections.

Masters often lose themselves in the act of creation. They are more concerned about creating a masterpiece than applause. Their two main habits are patience and hard work.

Masters often lose themselves in the act of creation. They are more concerned about creating a masterpiece than applause. Their two main habits are patience and hard work.

4. Change Your Physiology

When people are feeling discouraged or depressed, their first tendency is to stay home, curl under a cover and have a pity party.

They don’t want to have contact with people. They shut off. Meeting new friends is the least important thing on their priority list. Self-pity is their preferred mode.

Sadly, isolating yourself from the world generates more discouragement and depression. Notice how your body responds to your thoughts.

The physiology of a happy, excited, and fulfilled person is totally different from that of a discouraged person.

Fortunately, we can instantly change our physiology by changing our thoughts or our movements. Do not stay in one place.

Do not avoid people. Be on the move. Have you ever noticed how busy people have no time to keep feeling discouraged?

Motion creates emotion.

If you want to change your current feeling, you must move your body. Do something physical.

Go to the park for a walk or to the gym to work out. Go to a networking event. Although the Coronavirus is now changing how we interact with each other. But, I believe we will get back to normal living soon.

5. Listen to Uplifting Music to Stop Feeling Discouraged

Music is an awesome therapy.

For thousands of years, it has been impacting our lives. You can literally create a shift in someone’s mood or attitude in an instant by playing inspiring music for them.

At first, the person may show no interest. But the music will trigger the right part of the brain on its own. The brain will do the work as soon as it hears the music.

If you want to boost your energy level or get over your discouragement, put on your favorite songs. Just put the music on even if you don’t feel up to it. Then notice how it begins to respond. It works like magic.

There are many irrefutable scientific types of research about the benefits of music and exercising. They increase your focus, change your moods, boost your productivity, and keep you healthy.

If you can hit the gym and listen to mood altering songs when you are feeling discouraged, you would be all set.


If you believe in God or you know Jesus is your guide, why not lean on that? Work on your faith. Read your Bible more often.

You never know, one good story from a good old book might do the trick for you.

What I’m essentially saying is this: You must learn all the techniques and strategies that can put you in a positive mindset.

Once you find the right information that works for you, stick to it. Apply it over and over until you feel better.

By the way, I’m curious. What is it that is making you feel discouraged or depressed. Share it below. I might have some specific advice for you.

Finally, feeling discouraged is not a permanent situation unless you choose to make it so.

How Meditate For Peace Of Mind

How Meditate For Peace Of Mind

“Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.”

Most people do just the opposite. They seek everything else and occasionally they think about His kingdom, if ever.

In meditation, we are actually entering the kingdom within. It’s the best way to get rid of stress and to calm the mind for clarity, focus, and productivity.

Here’s a short list of highly successful people who meditate: Jeff Weiner, CEO of LinkedIn; William Clay Ford, executive chairman of Ford Motor; Oprah Winfrey; Madonna; Elon Musk; Mark Zuckerberg; Jeff Bezos; and Bill Gates.

If all those people are meditating to clear their mind, be more creative and productive, why not you? Obviously, there is a secret we need to discover for ourselves.

If you are saying you don’t know how to meditate, let me share what works for me.

Dive Deep Below Your Thoughts

Many people often tell me that it’s hard to quiet the mind during meditation. The reality is, calmness is our default.

In your mother’s womb, you were peaceful and carefree. In deep sleep, the mind and body is completely calm. Let me illustrate with this metaphor.

The ocean can be agitated by violent winds. Turbulent waves are crashing against each other. But if you dive deep underneath it, it’s calm and peaceful. No noise. No agitation.

It’s the same for the mind. No matter how many turbulent thoughts that are racing through it, there’s a place deep within us that is calm and peaceful. It’s our default. The goal of mediation is to get there.

Just sit comfortably and completely relax. Observe your breathing. Feel the air coming through your nostrils and filling your lungs. Breathe in slowly, hold, and breathe out without forcing it. Don’t try to catch a breath. It’s there waiting. Just inhale it.

Watch your thoughts making noise above you as you begin to sink deeper and deeper. Don’t resist those thoughts. Welcome them. Say to yourself, “Here’s another one.”

After a few minutes, continue to be aware of your breathing. Say to yourself, “In. Hold. Out.” You breathe in, hold quickly, release.

If you can, create a rhythm with the sound of in, hold, out. The brain loves rhythms. Try to slow down your breathing once you are totally relaxed and deep beneath the fast and furious thoughts.

You will notice the moment you observe a thought, it disappears. After a while, you will feel peaceful. Like everything else, it takes practice and patience.

Feel free to listen to some calming meditation music as well. Start with 15 minutes a day at the same time and location. I mediate for a full hour, which feels like 15 minutes to me.