It’s becoming increasingly obvious that skills-literacy is critical to succeed in today’s workplace. The traditional job-based is quickly fading away. A skill-driven landscape is emerging. Welcome to a new reality!
“In times of change, learners inherit the earth, while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists.” -Eric Hoffer
Mr. Hoffer had issued that warning several years ago, prior to his passing in 1983. As we are entering the AI era, it is more relevant today than ever.
The reality is, you will no longer be required to have a college degree. The person who masters an in-demand skill that solves real problems will always get to choose between the high-paying jobs.
To thrive in a future workforce dominated by AI, we must prioritize skills over basic job qualifications. Otherwise, we will become irrelevant and unnecessary.
That doesn’t mean your college degree is totally a waste of money and time. In fact, it should give an advantage. That means you already have what’s necessary to learn, unlearn, and relearn.
However, with or without a college degree, the person with solid and practical skills will rule the world of work in the future. It’s either we embrace and ride this wave of change or we settle for an average life.
That reminds me of when I first came to the United States as a broke immigrant unable to speak English. Everything was new and different.
Learning English was the highest mountain I had to climb. I bought children’s books with pictures, so I could learn how to say banana, orange, apple, etc.
At first, I didn’t think I was going to survive that drastic change. I had to completely reinvent myself. I even had to retrain my taste buds to adapt to new tastes in the US. It was hard and uncomfortable readapting in a new country and culture.
As the title of my keynote presentation and first book suggests, “No Condition is Permanent!” By that I mean, when the music changes, we have to change the dance. And that starts with telling ourselves a different story.
Time For New Conversations
We can’t keep talking about the way things used to be. Don’t be like those people who talk about how twenty years ago they could have gotten rich in real estate when they still can do it today. We need to have new conversations with ourselves and others that are based on current reality.
Forward-thinking companies are already embracing this new change. They are developing a culture of relearning and upskilling. They understand that a skills-driven approach is essential to staying agile in a rapidly changing world.
They are looking for problem solvers to the new problems they are facing. They need forward-thinking individuals to show up and help them meet the new demands.
That said, this transformation cannot happen without leaders who champion skills-literacy and recognize the value of diverse skill sets within their teams.
To stay employable and relevant, we must also play our part in this shift. It’s crucial we identify, develop, and leverage new skills effectively to make the transition.
By constantly learning and adapting, we can thrive in a world where artificial intelligence is reshaping industries.
There’s no doubt change is not easy, especially the one we are discussing here. It can be messy and uncomfortable. For most people there were no warning signs. They are waking up to a new world that sort of creeped on us.
Do not be one of those people. The way we work is changing at breakneck speed. Be the learner instead of the learned.
In today’s world, authenticity is more important than ever. People are looking for realness and genuineness in their relationships, both personal and professional.
In the workplace, authenticity can lead to increased trust, collaboration, and productivity.
Here Are 5 Proven Tips To Be More Authentic In The Workplace
Be yourself. This may seem obvious, but it’s important to remember that you don’t have to pretend to be someone you’re not in order to succeed in the workplace. Your coworkers and boss will appreciate your authenticity, and you’ll be more likely to be happy and fulfilled in your work.
It can be difficult to be yourself in the workplace, especially if you’re in a corporate environment. But it’s important to remember that you were hired for your skills and talents, not for your ability to be someone you’re not. So don’t be afraid to let your true personality shine through.
Be honest. Honesty is the foundation of authenticity. If you’re not honest with your coworkers and boss, they’ll never be able to trust you. Be honest about your thoughts, feelings, and ideas, even if they’re not always popular.
Honesty doesn’t mean you have to be blunt or rude. It simply means being truthful and upfront with people. When you’re honest, you’re building trust and credibility with your coworkers and boss.
Be open-minded. Be willing to listen to other people’s perspectives and ideas. Even if you don’t agree with them, try to see things from their point of view. Being open-minded will help you build stronger relationships with your coworkers and boss.
It’s important to remember that everyone has different experiences and perspectives. When you’re open-minded, you’re showing that you’re willing to learn from others and grow as a person.
Be vulnerable. It’s okay to show your weaknesses and vulnerabilities. In fact, it can be a sign of strength. When you’re vulnerable, you’re showing that you trust your coworkers and boss. This can help build stronger relationships and create a more supportive work environment.
It’s easy to put on a brave face at work, but it’s important to remember that everyone has their struggles. When you’re vulnerable, you’re showing that you’re human and that you’re not perfect. This can help your coworkers and boss relate to you on a deeper level.
Be positive. A positive attitude can go a long way in the workplace. When you’re positive, you’re more likely to be productive and creative. You’re also more likely to be seen as a leader.
It’s easy to get caught up in the negative aspects of work, but it’s important to focus on the positive. When you have a positive attitude, you’re more likely to inspire others and create a more positive work environment.
Being authentic in the workplace takes courage, but it’s worth it. When you’re authentic, you’re more likely to be happy, fulfilled, and successful.
Q: What are some of the benefits of being authentic in the workplace?
A: There are many benefits to being authentic in the workplace. Some of these benefits include:
Increased trust and credibility with coworkers and bosses
Stronger relationships with coworkers and bosses
Increased productivity and creativity
Improved job satisfaction and morale
Reduced stress and anxiety
Increased likelihood of success
Q: What are some challenges of being authentic in the workplace?
A: There are some challenges to being authentic in the workplace. Some of these challenges include:
Fear of judgment or rejection
Feeling like you have to conform to the expectations of others
Feeling like you have to hide your true self
Feeling like you have to be someone you’re not
Q: How can I overcome the challenges of being authentic in the workplace?
A: There are a few things you can do to overcome the challenges of being authentic in the workplace. These include:
Be confident in yourself and your abilities.
Remember that you are not alone. There are other people who feel the same way you do.
Find a supportive community of people who will accept you for who you are.
Be patient. It takes time to build trust and credibility with others.
I was speaking at an event and I mentioned God. A man from the audience got up and left. He then called the meeting planner on the phone and attacked her. He said he will never attend the conference again because the speaker kept mentioning God.
Now, I wasn’t religious on the stage at all. Thankfully, the meeting planner was not happy with the man’s comment. She told him that it’s his choice.
I would never change anything in my speech because of that. We shouldn’t diminish ourselves or change our values to satisfy others. Be you my friend! More about that in a moment.
Back in January, I sent an email. Someone was offended. “ChatGPT and AI were the subjects of our conversation.” I simply said AI is going to wipe out millions of jobs and create millions of other jobs in the process. He thought that was the devil. I sure you read that email. Right?
Boy, I have so much to share about this devil thing. When I do, some will be really offended. Others will finally know how to get direct contact to God instead of relying on some preachers, gurus, or teachers. I’m talking about what I call speed manifestation.
Listen, I know the potential danger of AI just like I know the potential danger of fire or water. They can all wipe out the world. However, I would never dwell on that. God is in control. Whatever happens, whether good or bad, is ultimately His doing. It’s not my job to interfere.
Here’s the biggest takeaway:
If you want to please everybody, you will never enjoy a good life on this planet. You will be miserable. Most people never get to live their dreams because of the fear of what others will think or say.
The reality is, haters and jealous people are going to criticize you whether you do something or do nothing. Whether you talk about the devil or God, someone will get offended. Go figure!
Do you realize how much hate comments I get on social media?
I LOVE it. I know haters are haters. As the saying goes, “hurt people hurt people.” Any time someone says or does something to hurt another person, it’s because they are hurting inside.
That said, if I ever offend you with something I say, know it’s not my intention. Instead of creating a negative vibration in your life, just unsubscribe. There’s a very visible link below every email to do so.
However, I can assure you that you will continue to be offended. If it’s not about my email. The offense will come from either a friend, family member, pastor, or co-worker. The issue is NEVER what they say. It’s about what’s already going on inside of us.
Hope that was useful to you. Keep pressing on! It’s not too late. You are not too old. You are not too young either. You are exactly where you need to start.
Are you tired of struggling to manifest your desires or dreams? Would you like to learn secrets to manifesting anything you want in life quickly and easily?
In this post, we will share with you 7 powerful manifestation secrets that can help you manifest your dreams faster.
These 7 secrets help to elevate myself from poverty and diseases in a tiny Haitian village to now being a person of high influence commanding big fees on stages all over North America. I believe they will do the same for.
Let’s dive in.
1. Give Your Mind A Mental Picture
When considering manifestation, having a clear and specific picture of what you want is crucial. The more detail you can add to your visualization, the better.
Think of the mental picture as your primary tool of manifestation. Without one, the mind will be clueless about what you want. Why?
It’s because your mind is a visual artist. It doesn’t know how to create with just words. We think in pictures.
Create a vivid image in your mind that aligns with your desire. The mental picture is like a lighthouse that attracts and fulfills the desire.
It’s also important to adopt a mindset that anything is possible, regardless of your current situation.
Even if you have not seen evidence or proof that your desire has manifested before, continue to believe. It’s not what you see that matters.
It’s what you really believe.
When you truly believe in the possibility of achieving your goals, you create a powerful force that can attract opportunities and resources towards you.
By the way, we are actually talking about vibration here. Your mental picture will definitely activate the law of vibration in your favor.
2. Meditate On It
This is when the magic happens. Meditation is the most powerful tool for manifestation. It allows you to enter a state of deep relaxation and focus.
There, you get to create. You get to see and feel the mental picture in real time. It’s an awesome feeling to see and feel the thing you desire.
When you close your eyes and visualize yourself living your desired dream, you are programming your subconscious mind to believe that this outcome is possible.
As you might know, the subconscious mind does not know the difference between something you imagine and something you see.
That means whether you imagine or see it, it’s all reality. In fact, everything real you see in the world comes from the so-called unreal.
Simply put, the invisible is what creates the visible.
Repetition creates what is called neural pathways in the brain. Sort of like the grooves on a vinyl record. W
ell, you probably were not alive during the days of vinyl records.
If not, just know when you consistently meditate on your desire, you create patterns in your brain.
Those neural pathways in your brain will make it easier for your mind to accept your desire as true.
3. Be The “I AM”
The phrase “I AM” is a powerful declaration that has been used for centuries in spiritual practices.
When you say “I AM” followed by a positive statement, you are affirming your belief in that statement.
“I AM” has a vibrational sound embedded into it that takes a higher realms in life.
By repeating the phrase “I am THAT” while breathing slowly, you are matching your thoughts and emotions with your desired outcome. You are also calling the name of God.
Anytime you repeat the phrase “I AM” followed by a negative, you are calling that name in vain. Depending on what is religious faith, that’s a sin.
“I AM” will help you shift your energy towards a more positive and abundant state of mind.
As a result, you will attract the people and resources necessary to manifest your goals.
4. Act As If You Already Have It
Acting as if your desired dream has already been achieved is another powerful way to align your energy with your goals.
When you behave as though you already have what you want, you are sending a signal to the invisible source that you want to receive what you want.
This is not something new. It goes back to Biblical times. If you are a Christian, you know the Bible says when you pray act and behave as if you already receive what you pray for.
That means you show up with the vibration and aura that you are there. As an example, let’s say you want to be an executive in your company.
Well, dress, talk, and act as if you are the executive you want to be.
You don’t wait to be told what to do. You are proactive. You do what is necessary to get the job done.
If you see the need to work extra hours to boost productivity, don’t wait to be asked. Just do it.
You read books on leadership. You attend leadership conferences even if you have to pay your own money.
This will rapidly and magically attract what you want. Act as if and any time you find yourself acting otherwise, get back on track.
It’s important to remember that this is not about pretending or being inauthentic. Instead, it’s about embodying the energy of your desired outcome.
It’s your way of influencing your thoughts, feelings, and actions.
5. Keep Your Manifestation Practice To Yourself
Unless someone is a source of inspiration for you, don’t tell people about what you are doing. Keep it to yourself!
Sharing your goals and dreams with close family and friends is crucial, but sometimes, they can sabotage your dreams unwillingly.
Anytime someone doubts you, they send a negative energy that can slow down your manifestation. The simple truth is, most people have good intentions. They want the best for you.
But unfortunately their doubt is not a good match for their good intentions.
When you share your goals with others who may not understand or support your vision, it can create doubt and resistance within yourself.
By keeping your goals private, you avoid external influence and focus solely on your internal alignment with your desired reality.
Again, do not go around and start telling everyone about what you are seeking. As you might know, some people don’t like you anyway. They want to fail.
That’s why you resist telling others. You don’t want those people to know your desires.
6. Focus on Positivity At All Time
To manifest your desires faster, you must maintain a positive attitude. You have to do your best to avoid negative self-talks.
You also need to avoid having those conversations with others. Any time you engage in negative conversations, you are building an invisible barrier between you and your desires.
Of course, it’s hard to always be positive, especially in the kind of world we are living in. But self-awareness is what you have to tap into. You need to be mindful of your thoughts.
Whenever you are in a conversation with someone, be mindful of the direction of the conversation.
The moment you feel like it’s going negative, shift or steer the conversation toward a positive one. Better yet, find an excuse to walk away from that kind of energy.
My best advice for you is to surround yourself with positivity and stay in a high vibration. Yes, this may sound impractical. But it’s essential.
It is said that your environment is more power than your willpower. You may be willing to do all that is necessary to advance toward your dream.
However, if you are living in a negative environment, you will be negatively impacted. You will find yourself taking two steps forward and four steps backward.
Sometimes you will wake up feeling discouraged. You just don’t have the energy in you to take action.
Well, that feeling is from your interaction with the negative environment. The people around you are draining your energy without knowing it. That’s why you must practice self-awareness on a daily basis.
It’s good practice to keep a journal with you so you can track your conversations. By the way, it’s not just the conversations. It’s also the places you frequent.
The key point is, the more positive you feel, the faster your desires will manifest.
7. Embrace Failure as Feedback
Failure is not an option in the manifestation process. Instead of viewing failure as a negative outcome, embrace it as feedback and lessons learned.
Believe that you always win, and use your failures as stepping stones to your desired outcome. In fact, failure should be an inspiration to keep pressing on.
Whenever you see a person who is massively successful, you are also looking at a bundle of failure.
I never look at the success someone has achieved. I’m always more interested in the process or the journey.
What someone owns or has cannot reveal to me the clues to succeed. It’s the times they failed and quickly bounce back. I want to know how they do it.
The failure mindset is very important. You are pursuing your dreams with the certainty that it’s impossible to fail. You know for a fact, the so-called failures are success in disguise. That’s powerful.
When something doesn’t go as planned, take it as an opportunity to learn and grow. Reflect on what you can do differently, make adjustments, and keep going. Failure is just a temporary setback on your journey to manifest your desires.
Consider this: your failures are the stories that will connect with the world in a more meaningful way. People do not connect with success, especially if they are not where you are now.
Q: How long does it take to manifest something using these secrets?
A: Manifesting a dream or desire varies from person to person. It depends on the complexity of the desire, the strength of your belief, and the alignment of your vibration.
More importantly, manifesting your dream is about your devotion or commitment level.
Q: Do I have to believe in manifestation for it to work?
A: Belief is a key factor in achieving or manifesting what you want. If you don’t believe in it, it will be almost impossible.
Creation requires you first create in the invisible first. Then you bring it to the visible world. That requires extraordinary belief.
That’s the reason I mentioned above not to share with people. Their doubts can derail you and cause you to doubt yourself.
Q: Can I manifest anything I want?
A: Yes, you can manifest anything you want, as long as it is aligned with your highest good and doesn’t harm others.
Think about it this way: it’s impossible to have a desire without having the capacity to manifest it.
Every desire shows up with its manifestation power within it. If you are not manifesting, don’t blame the desire.
In conclusion:
By following these 7 manifestation secrets, you can align your vibration with your desires and manifest them faster and easier.
Remember to stay positive, believe in yourself, and never give up on your dreams even when you are not seeing the results fast enough.
It’s like planting a seed. Just because you are not seeing activities above the ground doesn’t mean there are no activities below the ground.
If you are nurturing, watering, and the area, something will inevitably happen.
Well, the 7 secrets to manifesting your desire are your way of watering and nurturing your desire.
Simply put, your desire is the seed you plant in your mind. The secrets I just shared with are what will cause the seed to blossom.
Receiving negative feedback can be challenging for anyone, but it’s an essential part of personal and professional growth. Negative feedback can provide valuable insights into areas that need improvement and help you refine your skills and approaches. Although it may be hard to hear, learning how to receive negative feedback gracefully can help you grow. It can also set you up for future success.
One of the first things to remember when receiving negative feedback is to stay calm and avoid becoming defensive. It’s natural to feel defensive when receiving criticism, but it’s essential to listen to the feedback and take it in without becoming emotional. Remember that negative feedback is not a personal attack, but an opportunity to improve.
It’s also important to ask questions to clarify the feedback you receive. Try to understand the specifics of the criticism and ask for examples to help you understand the areas that need improvement. This can help you gain a deeper understanding of the feedback and provide you with actionable steps to take to improve.
When receiving negative feedback, it’s essential to avoid making excuses or shifting the blame. Instead, take ownership of the feedback and focus on what you can do to improve. This will demonstrate your willingness to learn and grow, and show that you value the feedback you receive.
Finally, remember that negative feedback can be a powerful motivator. Use the feedback you receive as a source of inspiration to work harder and improve your skills. By taking negative feedback in stride and using it as a tool for growth, you can turn even the toughest criticism into a valuable learning experience.
This video will give you everything you need to embrace negative feedback with grace so you don’t feel bad. The reality is, it’s not the negative feedback that causes the hard feelings. It’s how you choose to respond to it. it’s best to prepare yourself in advance in order to be ready when the time comes.
4 Tips That Will Help You Receive Negative Feedback Gracefully
1. Embrace The Feedback
Embrace the Feedback One of the first things you can do when receiving negative feedback is to embrace it. Rather than seeing it as a personal attack or something to be defensive about, try to see it as an opportunity to learn and grow. Embracing the feedback can help you to adopt a growth mindset and to see criticism as a chance to improve.
2. Listen To Understand
Listen to Understand When someone gives you negative feedback, it can be easy to immediately get defensive or shut down. However, it’s important to actively listen to understand what the person is saying. Ask questions to clarify and show that you value their opinion. This will not only help you to better understand the feedback but also demonstrate your willingness to improve.
3. Don’t Take It Personally
Don’t Take it Personally Receiving negative feedback can sometimes feel like a personal attack, especially if you’ve put a lot of effort into something. However, it’s important to remember that the feedback is about the work, not you as a person. Try to separate yourself from the feedback and focus on the constructive criticism.
4. Take Active Right After
Take action after you’ve received negative feedback. It’s very important. Use the feedback to identify areas for improvement and develop an action plan to address them. Taking action not only shows that you value the feedback but also helps you to grow and improve in the future.
In Conclusion
Receiving negative feedback can be tough, but it’s an essential part of growth and improvement. By embracing the feedback, listening to understand, not taking it personally, and taking action, you can turn negative feedback into a positive learning experience.